




来源:http://www.jfhntjbj.com/ 日期:2020-11-20 发布人:admin
Considering the filter element precision and air permeability of the automatic feeding mixer. It can be observed whether the contact between the end cover of the filter cartridge and the metal is tight, and how to operate it is simple
Self feeding mixer
我们通常根据物料的颗粒大小进行选择,对于颗粒较大的物料,可选择过滤精度较大的过滤器,反 之对于颗粒较小的粉末或者纳米级物料的话,则必须选择高精度的过滤器了。
We usually choose according to the particle size of the material. For the material with larger particle size, we can choose the filter with higher filtering precision. On the contrary, for the powder with smaller particle or nano material, we must choose the filter with high precision.

这样才能真正实现自 动上料搅拌车无尘化操作自动,区别自动上料搅拌车滤芯优劣达到提高产品质量的目的。看自动上料搅拌车滤芯是否可以循环使用,能不能用水清洗,使用寿命大概多久。看材质是觉得滤 芯好坏的决定因素,好的材质具有耐腐蚀,耐压,阻力小等特点。如高分子纤维的意大利产质量非 常可靠。
Only in this way can the dust-free operation of the automatic feeding mixer be realized, and the advantages and disadvantages of the filter element of the automatic feeding mixer can be distinguished, and the purpose of improving the product quality can be achieved. See whether the filter element of the automatic feeding mixer can be recycled, whether it can be cleaned with water, and how long its service life is. Looking at the material is the decisive factor for the quality of the filter element. A good material has the characteristics of corrosion resistance, pressure resistance and small resistance. For example, the Italian production of polymer fiber is very reliable.
Our company produces automatic feeding mixer, its technical level, product quality, production scale are OK, if necessary, you can call for advice.
