




来源:http://www.jfhntjbj.com/ 日期:2020-12-14 发布人:admin
概述:现在非常重视环境保护,因此我们必须积极响应政策,从小处着手。实际上,4 5方自动上料搅拌车的正确操作也有助于环境保护。
Now we attach great importance to environmental protection, so we must actively respond to national policies and start from small areas. In fact, the correct operation of 4.5m3 automatic feeding mixer is also helpful to environmental protection.
1. Pay attention to the time of the cease-fire.
In particular, it takes about five seconds to turn on the engine with the turbocharger and the automixer. That's because if you drive at high speed and want to turn it off immediately, more carbon is produced. Since it takes only a few minutes, the carbon does not increase and helps to maintain the car engine.
2. Choose clean gasoline and diesel
Impurities in gasoline and diesel are the main causes of carbon deposition. As gasoline and diesel fuel burn in the combustion chamber, their impurities can lead to incomplete combustion and carbon deposition. Impure waste can also contaminate the combustion cylinder.
3. Don't drive for a long time
It is well known that the longer the idle time is, the longer it takes for the engine to reach normal temperature. As the gasoline evaporates rapidly behind the valve, more gasoline accumulates. At the same time, the air flow that idles into the engine is usually reduced. This reduces carbon deposit corrosion and promotes carbon deposition. At this time, the combustion in the combustion chamber is still insufficient.

4.5 m3 automatic feeding mixer
The general parts need to be repaired and replaced timely. The fleet needs a spare cardan shaft assembly so that it can be restored within minutes in the event of a failure.
2. Check whether the hydraulic oil is clean. The working environment of 4-5 cubic meter automatic feeding mixer is bad, so it is necessary to prevent the dirty cement sand from entering the hydraulic system. The hydraulic oil should be replaced regularly according to the manual requirements. If the inspection shows that the hydraulic oil is mixed with water or sand, stop the hydraulic system immediately and replace the hydraulic oil.
3. Check whether the hydraulic oil cooler is active. In order to prevent the radiator from being blocked by cement, it is necessary to check whether the radiator fan works normally and clean the hydraulic oil radiator regularly to ensure that the temperature of the hydraulic oil does not exceed the standard. As long as the hydraulic components ensure that the hydraulic oil is clean, there are usually few failures, but the service life of the manufacturer will be different.
For environmental driving 4.5 square automatic feeding mixer and driving situation is like this, hope to help you.
