




来源:http://www.jfhntjbj.com/ 日期:2022-07-25 发布人:admin
概述:自动上料搅拌车在使用的时候,可能会遇到突发的一些故障,这样怎么处理呢?对于新手来说比较棘手,接下来简单讲一下。 When the automati
When the automatic feeding mixer is in use, it may encounter some sudden failures. How to deal with this? It's difficult for beginners. Let's talk about it briefly.
For example, it is difficult to start or even fail to start after the mixer stops suddenly; The power of the mixer truck suddenly drops during driving, and the driving is weak; When driving, the brake fails or suddenly deviates, or even fails. This kind of fault symptom is obvious and easy to detect.
Abnormal noise. The abnormal sound of the mixer truck during driving is the "alarm" of the mixer truck fault. The driver should be aware that there is something wrong with the mixer. He should immediately stop the mixer truck for inspection. He must not let the mixer "work with disease".
The smoke exhaust color is abnormal. During the operation of the mixer truck, the main components of normal combustion products should be carbon dioxide and a small amount of water vapor. If the mixing car burns abnormally, the exhaust gas will be mixed with incompletely burned carbon particles, hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and a large amount of water vapor.
However, when the lubricating oil moves upward to the cylinder, the tail gas is blue; When the combustion is incomplete, the tail gas is black; When oil and water are mixed, the tail gas is white.
This requires car owners to take safety measures to prevent the loading mixer from breaking down on the road. The concrete needs to be stirred constantly to prevent solidification. If the mixing tank stops running due to failure, it is easy to get stuck. Generally, the tank can't be stopped for more than 2 hours, and C40 concrete can't be stopped basically.
Before starting the self loading mixer, check whether the oil, lubricating oil, cooling water and other materials are sufficient and add them in time. After the car starts, rotate the can body at low speed, test the tire pressure around the car to prevent air leakage, and use tools to remove stones and other debris stuck in the tire.
Secondly, check whether the light is normal. Be sure to shine on the edge of the tire to prevent being cut by the rebar debris stacked on the construction site. Clean the rearview mirror and window glass, and the driver should keep a clear and wide view to deal with the complex working conditions on the construction site.
The automatic loading mixer described above encounters sudden failure. A brief understanding will be helpful for your later use. For more information, please visit the website http://www.jfhntjbj.com Get it.
