




来源:http://www.jfhntjbj.com/ 日期:2020-08-15 发布人:admin
概述: 很多客户在选购自动上料搅拌车的时候非常迷茫,有的为了便宜;有的客户则很大方,上来就要大的,完全没有理论根据,什么样的搅拌车,选择多大型号的好呢?这个是要根据具体施工
Many customers are very confused when choosing the automatic feeding mixer, some for the sake of low price; some customers are very generous and want a large one when they come up. There is no theoretical basis for what kind of mixer and what model to choose? This is to be selected according to the specific construction project, according to the surrounding working environment and road conditions.
Now, I'd like to make a brief introduction to the size of the automatic feeding mixer
The size of the small mixer is: 5.6 m long, 2.2 m wide, 2.6 m high;
The size of the medium-sized mixer truck is: 5.6 m long, 2.5 m wide, 3.4 m high. The medium-sized self loading mixer can mix about 80 cubic meters of concrete every day;
The size of large mixer truck is: 5.6mx length, 2.8mx width, and 3.4m height. The mixing capacity of each large mixer is about 100 per day.

With the concept of size, you can choose according to your own site conditions and construction environment.
Secondly, we choose the model according to our engineering quantity. Should we buy a small one or a large one? Do you want to buy one or several?
Although the volume of small type automatic feeding mixer is small, the engineering quantity is not low. Small volume requires less raw materials, which will reduce the lifting of raw materials and feeding times and time. In unit time, the volume of shovel is fixed, and the more times of loading, the greater the workload. As for what kind of project to do, then you can choose whether to equip with the can body rotation function.
The above is the automatic feeding mixer model selection method, after understanding, you can according to the above description to choose a better, suitable product.
